Open Doors December

3 Dec, 2024 | Activities, News

Doors open: MuBoma, a museum full of Christmas

The Christmas campaign comes to the Museum of the Provincial Consortium of Firefighters one more year to fill every corner of MuBoma with magic.

From 21 December to 5 January we will have open days, with free admission, in which there will be activities of all kinds and for all ages so that you can choose the most fun way to come to know the museum: games, workshops, music and stories for everyone.

During these days, and until the 4th, all children will be given a decorated letter from MuBoma so that they can write it.

Below you have all the detailed activities:

Saturday 21 December: at 12h: ‘Mini Advent Calendar Workshop’.

Four containers will be made with surprises to be discovered until the arrival of Christmas. Registration in advance is compulsory.

Sunday 22nd December: at 12h. ‘Christmas decorations workshop’.

They will be made in a very simple way with modelling clay. Registration in advance is compulsory.

Monday 23rd and 30th December: Bell game (throughout the day).

On Monday 23rd and Monday 30th the museum is open from 10am to 4pm. The tour will be accompanied by an autonomous game with educational materials to get to know the museum in a different way, each at their own pace.

Tuesday 24th December: ‘Donem l’asguinaldo’ Workshop (throughout the morning)

A Christmas tradition in this area is to ask for the ‘asguinaldo’ (or the ‘asguinaldo’) and this will take the form of making original little boxes to keep this present in.

The timetable for the 24th is from 10am to 2pm.

Thursday 26th December: at 12h. Christmas Textile Collage

We will make a Christmas landscape with the collage technique using fabrics (+5 years old) Registration in advance is compulsory.

Friday 27th December: at 12h. Let’s make a story

Together we will invent and create a story that we will also paint, ready to take home!

Saturday 28th December: 12h. Missió Reial Creative Workshop.

The illustrator Lirios Bou will accompany us in this workshop in which drawing will be a tool for play (+5 years old) Registration is compulsory until 23 December.

Sunday 29 December: at 12h. Singing-storytelling ‘Cuentitis Naviditis’.

Cuentitis Musiquitis comes to bring us his Christmas show with stories that come to life through music or songs that tell many stories. Free admission until full capacity is reached.

Tuesday 31 December: 12h. Craft workshop ‘Operation New Year’s Eve’. The museum will be open from 10am to 2pm.

We will make different essential elements to say goodbye to the year. Registration in advance is compulsory.

Thursday 2 January: Paint your Christmas Bag

We will decorate beautiful cloth bags by painting Christmas motifs (+ 4 years old) Registration in advance is compulsory. We recommend coming with clothes that can be stained.

Friday 3 January: 10:30 and 12h. ‘Embroidery workshop for Christmas in Alcoy’.

Manetes de Punt comes to teach us a very simple embroidery technique to make the most famous characters of Christmas in Alcoy (+6 years old) Registration is compulsory until 27 December.

Saturday 4 January: at 12h. Game of Kings

A giant board will be used for this team game full of Christmas challenges.

Sunday 5 January: A Christmas Puzzle (throughout the morning)

The youngest visitors will be able to paint and make a Tirisiti puzzle.

25 December, 1 and 6 January: the museum will be CLOSED.

In addition, throughout the Christmas period we will be collecting non-perishable food and school supplies to be donated to the Red Cross.